2021-22 Initiatives

The European Union Center is currently planning lectures and events for the 2021-22 academic year. You will find on this webpage a selection of initiatives organized by the EUC and by colleagues from the University of Illinois. Please see our events calendar for more details — such as registration links — on upcoming events organized by the EUC. Please see here for events across campus related to the study of Europe. 

Fall 2021 Brown Bag Lecture Series Presenter(s)

Vikings and White Nationalism

Wednesday, September 8, 12 P.M. CDT

Verena Höfig, Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Why is Roma Education Still Separate and Unequal?: Employing Dis/Crit to Explain the Enduring Overrepresentation of "Gypsies" in Special Education

Wednesday, October 13, 12 P.M. CDT

Deborah L. Michaels, Associate Professor of Education, Grinnell College


Transatlantic Educators Lecture Series Presenter(s)

How Do You Like My Work? Children with Special Needs in Education: Characteristics and Challenges

Saturday, October 23, 11 A.M. CDT

Aleksandra Duric, Professor of History and Languages, Institut Lauterbad (Kassel, Germany)

Teachers' Well-Being and Resilience

Saturday, November 13, 11 A.M. CST

Inga Chiosa, Vice Director, Heritage International School (Chisinau, Moldova)

Višnja Brcković, English Teacher, SS Mate Balote (Porec, Croatia)

Ilze Kuhalska, English Teacher, Gaigalava Primary School and East Latvia High School of Technology (Rezekne, Latvia)

Vika Perinčič, English and German Teacher, Simona Kosa Podbrdo Primary School and Tolmin Gymnasium (Tolmin, Slovenia)

Lisa Scheidhauer, English and German Teacher, Wendelinusschule (Ramstein-Miesenbach, Germany)

Growing Financial Literacy: Global Understanding Through Group Dynamics & Social Interaction (Transatlantic Educators Lecture Series)

Saturday, December 11, 11 A.M CST

Anthony Schiliro, Social Studies Teacher at Eleanor Roosevelt High School (New York City, U.S.)


Spring 2022 Language Conversation Hours


Sp conversation hours


  • Arabic: The Arabic Conversation Table will take place on February 23rd and April 25th at 2 pm through Zoom. Find the Zoom links, as well as other cultural events organized by the Arabic Program here: https://calendars.illinois.edu/list/5129. Contact Majda Larek (mlayek2@illinois.edu) for more information 

  • Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian: The Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian conversation group will meet at noon on Fridays, starting on February 11th. They will meet in the main lounge of the Illini Union. Contact Peter Wright (pqwrigh2@illinois.edu) for more information. 

  • French: Pause Café (French Conversation hour) will be meeting at Espresso Royale (1117 W Oregon St) between 5-6 pm the following Mondays: 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/21, 4/4, 4/18, 5/2. Contact Scarlet Peterson (scarlet3@illinois.edu) for more information. 

  • German: Kaffeestunde (German Conversation hour)  will take place on Wednesdays from 5.30-6.30pm (starting Feb 2, 2022) at the Espresso Royale on S Goodwin Av. Contact John Slattery (jslatte2@illinois.edu) and Laura Olbrich (olbrich3@illinois.edu) for more information. 

  • Modern Greek: The Modern Greek Conversation Group will take place on Fridays, 1-2 pm through Zoom. Click here for the link. Contact Maria Hadjipolycarpou (mhadjipo@illinois.edu) for more information. 

  • Modern Hebrew: Illini Hillel is considering hosting a Modern Hebrew conversation group depending on the interest. Please email Adi Mechany (adi@illinihillel.org) if you would be interesting in attending the conversation group. 

  • Italian: Caffetino (Italian conversation hour) will take place at 5 pm CST through Zoom the following Mondays: 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/7, 3/21, 4/4, and 4/18. To get the Zoom link, contact Elena Broscritto (elenab3@illinois.edu). 

  • Portuguese: The Portuguese Conversation Table (Bate-Papo) will take place every other Wednesday at 6 pm at Casa Latina, starting February 10th. Contact Guilherme Lessa (glessa2@illinois.edu) for more information. 

  • Spanish: The RSO Mi Pueblo will be hosting weekly Spanish conversation groups, Mondays and Thursdays from 5-6 pm. Locations TBA. You can find their website and join their email list here: https://linktr.ee/uiucmipueblo 

  • Turkish: The Turkish conversation table will meet Wednesdays from 11 am to 12 pm at the Linguistics Library (FLB 4100). Contact Aylin Coskun (aylinc2@illinois.edu) for more information.