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Picture of Judith Pintar, a woman with glasses and short hair.

Judith Pintar

Judith Pintar is Teaching Professor at the iSchool and Director of Game Studies & Design & Faculty Affiliate at the EU Center.  What is the focus of your current work and/or subject of your current research? I study propaganda, persuasion, and suggestibility, and have a regional interest in south-eastern and central Europe. I have ongoing research and design interests in gameful pedagogy, including role-play, and game design as a classroom activity. What classes do you teach? What are some of the topics of those classes? I currently teach...

euro 490

EURO 490: EU Expansion in Historical Perspective

The EU expanded from 6 to 27 member-states in a relatively short time in historical terms. Each round of expansion took place in specific circumstances: the post-war moment, decolonization, the Cold War, the end of communism. Who joined and who did not and why? How has the accession of new member-states affected the nature and functions of the EU? Does EU accession drive social and political change in candidate countries? This course examines these questions from the perspectives of history, culture, and political science.

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Europe Palace

EURO 500: Dialogue on Europe

This proseminar offered by European Union Center staff explores a variety of subjects related to Europe, the European Union, and issues concerning the European Union Center’s academic programming. Topics covered range from current political, cultural and scientific issues in Europe; different disciplinary perspectives on Europe; and aspects of professional development such as mentorship, networking, and the presentation of a profession self. The seminar provides a kind of “laboratory” space for students to improve their analytical and communication skills for academic and professional conversations on Europe, from research to career interests.

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EU Parliament

EURO 501: EU Institutions and Governance

A graduate-level introduction to the European Union, its history, decision-making processes, legal framework and political and economic effects. Undergraduates need prior approval from instructor to register for this course.

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EURO 596

EURO 596: Sustainability Across the Atlantic and Locally

This course explores sustainability goals, challenges, and actions in the EU and U.S. The topics cover a range of interrelated social, economic, and environmental systems. We seek to recognize and learn from shared and divergent concerns, best practices, and barriers. Students gain insights into sustainability by assisting government and non-profit organizations in Champaign County and Chicago on projects to advance aspects of well-being in the present and future.

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