Contact Information
Research Interests
Shakespeare and early modern drama; theater history from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century; performance studies, especially theories of the performing body; and methods of original practices staging.
Drama, Gender/Sexuality Studies, Seventeenth Century, Sixteenth Century, Performance Studies
- Ph.D., English literature, University of Virginia
- M.A., English literature, Dalhousie University
- B.A. Honours, Huron University College
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Professor, English
Associate Professor, Program in Medieval Studies
Highlighted Publications
Stevens, A. (2013). Inventions of the Skin: The Painted Body in Early English Drama, 1400-1642. Edinburgh University Press. https://doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9780748670499.001.0001
Recent Publications
Stevens, A. (Ed.) (2020). The Fatal Contract, by William Heminge. In J. Lopez (Ed.), The Routledge Anthology of Early Modern Drama (pp. 136-194). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315667188-3
Stevens, A. (2017). Edward II: A Stage History. In Edward II a Critical Reader (pp. 43-72). Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..
Stevens, A. (2017). Edward II: A Stage History. In K. Melnikoff (Ed.), Edward II: A Critical Reader (pp. 43-72). (Arden Early Modern Drama Guides). The Arden Shakespeare. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781472584076.ch-002
Stevens, A. (2015). COSMETIC TRANSFORMATIONS. In Shakespeare's Theatres and the Effects of Performance (pp. 94-117). Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..
Stevens, A. (2015). The Spotting of Lady Conscience in the Three Ladies of London. Web publication/site http://threeladiesoflondon.mcmaster.ca/contexts/box.htm