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D Fairchild Ruggles

Profile picture for D Fairchild Ruggles

Contact Information

Landscape Architecture
101 Temple Buell Hall
611 E Lorado Taft Dr
M/C 620
Champaign, IL 61820



An historian of Islamic art and architecture, Dr. Ruggles’ research examines the medieval landscape of Islamic Spain and South Asia and the complex interrelationship of Islamic culture with Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism and the precise ways that religion and culture are often conflated in the study of these. She is the author of two award-winning books on gardens: Gardens, Landscape, and Vision in the Palaces of Islamic Spain (2000), and Islamic Gardens and Landscapes (2008). Additionally she has edited or co-edited numerous works, including Women, Patronage, and Self-Representation in Islamic Societies (2000), the award-winning Sites Unseen: Landscape and Vision (2007), Cultural Heritage and Human Rights (2007), Intangible Heritage Embodied (2009), On Location (2012), and Islamic Art and Visual Culture: An Anthology of Sources (2011). Her most recent book is Tree of Pearls: The Extraordinary Architectural Patronage of the 13th-Century Egyptian Slave-Queen Shajar al-Durr (2020). 


University of Pennsylvania, History of Art, M.A., and PhD.
Harvard University, Visual and Environmental Studies, A.B, cum laude.

Additional Campus Affiliations

Presidential Humanities and Social Science Chair, Landscape Architecture
Professor, Landscape Architecture
Professor, School of Architecture
Professor, School of Art and Design
Director, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory
Professor, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory
Professor, Program in Medieval Studies
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Professor, Gender and Women's Studies
Professor, Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity
Professor, Center for Global Studies
Professor, Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Professor, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

Highlighted Publications

Ruggles, D. F. (Ed.) (2011). Islamic art and visual culture: An Anthology of Sources. Wiley-Blackwell.

Ruggles, D. F. (2016). Islamic Gardens and Landscapes. Koç University Press.

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Recent Publications

Symes, C. L., Trilling, R. R., & Ruggles, D. F. (2025). Medievalists in the Mirror: Looking Back to the World of 1925 and Its Legacy. Speculum, 100(1), 12.

Habibullah, A., & Ruggles, D. F. (2024). The 21st-Century Islamic Garden: Connecting the Present to the Past. Landscape Journal, 43(2), 1-18.

Ruggles, D. F. (2022). From Garden to Landscape: Lessons from the Taj and the Alhambra. In M. Gharipour, & D. E. Coslett (Eds.), Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow: (Re)Defining the Field (pp. 57-68). (Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East). Intellect Books.

Ruggles, D. F. (2022). Podcast interview: Tree of Pearls. Digital or Visual Products, New Books Network.

Ruggles, D. F. (2021). Cemeteries and funerary architecture. In K. Fleet, G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas, & E. Rowson (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE Brill.

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