Additional Campus Affiliations
Peters Faculty Scholar, School of Labor and Employment Relations
Associate Professor, School of Labor and Employment Relations
Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity
Recent Publications
Twarog, E. E. L. B. (2024). Review of “Upsetting Food: Three Eras of Food Protest in the United States”. Social Forces, Article soae084. Advance online publication.
Twarog, E. E. L. B. (2023). Is US Labor Law Reform Enough? A Conversation About the “Clean Slate for Worker Power”. Labor Studies Journal, 48(4), 363-397.
Twarog, E. E. L. (2022). Before #MeToo: The History of the 9to5 Job Survival Hotline. Labor: Studies in Working-Class History, 19(1), 96-108.
Dickson, A., Manzo, F., Bruno, R. A., Gigstad, J., & Twarog, E. E. LB. (2021). Women and Child Care in Illinois: A Survey of Working Mothers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Project for Middle Class Renewal.
Twarog, E. E. LB. (2021). Gender Violence in the Hospitality Industry: Panic Buttons, Pants, and Protest. In J. Milloy, & J. Sangster (Eds.), The Violence of Work: New Essays in Canadian and U.S. Labour History (pp. 184-198). University of Toronto Press.