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Julie Gaillard

Assistant Professor


Ph.D., Emory University
M.A., Université de Strasbourg

Additional Campus Affiliations

Assistant Professor, French and Italian
Assistant Professor, Program in Comparative and World Literature
Assistant Professor, Women & Gender in Global Perspectives

Highlighted Publications

Gaillard, J. (2020). Réalités pseudonymes. (Chiasma; Vol. 45). Brill.

Gaillard, J., Nouvet, C., & Stoholski, M. (Eds.) (2016). Traversals of Affect: On Jean-François Lyotard. Bloomsbury Academic.

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Recent Publications

Gaillard, J. (Accepted/In press). ‘Je te crois’ (‘I believe you’): Pragmatics of a feminist slogan, or silencing and the scene of address in post-#MeToo France. European Journal of Cultural Studies.

Gaillard, J. (2022). Returning “Home”? Or Dwelling in the Pixel Age: On Invader’s Intermedial Space Invasion. Intermédialités: Histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques, (39), 1-24.

Gaillard, J. (2020). Réalités pseudonymes. (Chiasma; Vol. 45). Brill.

Gaillard, J. (2019). In Search of “the Aleph of the Other”: Photographic Archive and Narrative Structuring in the Biographic Prose of Édouard Levé. CoSMo: Comparative Studies in Modernism, (14), 67-76.

Gaillard, J. (2019). Marines. Matrice générique et migrations interartistiques chez Anselm Kiefer après Marcel Proust et Arthur Rimbaud. In Migrations des genres et des formes littéraires et artistiques: Proceedings of the 41th Congress of the Société Française de Littérature Générale et Comparée

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