Contact Information
Chicago, IL 60606
M/C 200
Gretchen Winter is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Business Administration in the Gies College of Business and adjunct professor in the Grainger College of Engineering City Scholars Program; she also is an invited professor at CY Cergy Paris School of Law and has taught a course on creating effective organizational ethics and compliance programs at the University of Illinois College of Law since the 2013-2014 academic year. Winter joined the University of Illinois in 2007 as executive director of the Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society after a career of practicing law and leading the global ethics/business practice program at Baxter International, Inc., a Fortune 100 medical products company. She received her JD from the University of Chicago Law School and earned her BA in English Education, with a minor in economics, from the University of Illinois Chicago. She has chaired and served on numerous civic, professional, and State of Illinois higher education boards, and she frequently speaks on professional responsibility, compliance, and business ethics topics at global and domestic conferences, classes, workshops, and corporate programs
J.D., University of Chicago Law School, 1983
B.A., English/Education, minor in Economics, University of Illinois Chicago, 1979
“Evaluating Energy Sources of the Future Using a Professional Responsibility Lens” Course Creation, Grant from Levenick Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Teaching Sustainability Fellowship Program, 2022-2023
“Leveraging Insights from Pioneering Business Ethics Scholars to Inform Future Research & Pedagogical Approaches, Grant from Anonymous Donation to Gies College of Business,” Grant Recipient Team, 2021-2023
“Quick Clips: Using Business Ethics Pioneers Videos to Cultivate ‘Wicked’--and Ethical--Problem Solving,” Provost’s Faculty Retreat Grant, 2021
Awards and Honors
Dean’s Impact Award, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business, 2018-2019
American Accounting Association Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award for “Auditor Independence Education Materials,” developed and made publicly available through the Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, 2013
Reimagine Education Ethical Leadership Award - Shortlist for “Business 101: The Peer Leadership Model for Teaching Professional Ethics”, a course developed and delivered with support of the Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, 2017
Samuel K. Gove Illinois Legislative Staff Intern Hall of Fame, Inductee for Outstanding Public Service, 2009
Lincoln Academy of Illinois Educational Achievement Award, 1979
professional certifications
Admitted to Illinois Bar, 1983-Present
academic positions
Clinical Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business, 2018-Present
Faculty Associate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Strategic Organizations Initiative (ISOI), Gies College of Business, 2022-Present
Levenick iSEE Teaching Sustainability Fellow, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment, 2022-Present
Faculty Affiliate, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, European Union Center, 2020-Present
Collaborating Scholar, University of Illinois System, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, 2020-Present
Adjunct Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Grainger College of Engineering City Scholars Program, 2018-Present
Adjunct Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Law, 2013-2022 (appointment in conjunction with Executive Director appointment at Gies)
Executive Director, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business, 2007-2022
industry positions
Vice President and Counsel, Business Practices, Baxter International Inc., 1996-2007
Executive Exchange Program with Evanston Hospital Corporation (now NorthShore University Health System), Baxter International Inc., 1995-1996
Business Process Innovation Team, Baxter International Inc., 1994-1995
Director, Training & Development/Planning & Staffing, U.S. Distribution Business Baxter International Inc., February 1994-July 1994
Director, Field Human Resources, Hospital Sales and Distribution Division, Baxter International Inc., 1992-1994
Director, Employee Relations/Labor Counsel Baxter International Inc., 1990-1992
Manager, Employee Relations/Labor Counsel, Baxter International Inc., 1989-1990
Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson, Associate, 1983-1989 (including 12 months in City of Chicago “Lend A Lawyer” program)
Illinois House of Representatives, Legislative Analyst, House Republican Staff/Legislative Staff Internship Program, 1979-1980