Additional Campus Affiliations
Assistant Professor, Recreation, Sport and Tourism
Recent Publications
Hajarrahmah, D., McGehee, N. G., & Soulard, J. (2024). The road to success: Tourism social entrepreneurs' quest for regenerative tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 108, Article 103818.
Milazzo, L., & Soulard, J. (2024). Bridging disciplinary perspectives on transformation: Epistemologically evaluating liminality and transformative learning. Annals of Tourism Research, 104, Article 103710.
Park, J., Zou, S., & Soulard, J. (2024). Transforming rural communities through tourism development: an examination of empowerment and disempowerment processes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 32(4), 835-855.
Soulard, J., Lundin, E., & Zou, S. S. (2024). Exploring inclusivity perceptions among residents: insights from rural tourism destinations. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 32(12), 2580-2602. Advance online publication.
Soulard, J., Park, J., & Zou, S. (2024). Pride in Transformation: A Rural Tourism Stakeholder View. Journal of Travel Research, 63(1), 80-99. Article 004728752211434.