Research Interests
Dr. Woolf’s research focuses on the role of sport in human development and augmentation. In particular, he is interested in the nexus between sport and health and how the management of sport may promote positive, and prevent negative, health outcomes. In his research, he strives to understand the issues that enable sport to be a positive transformative experience that promotes health and avoids negative behaviors such as the use and abuse of drugs. To achieve this, he adopts a critical perspective to explore and challenge the assumptions that pervade sport, with the goal to recommend policies and practices that better enable sport to deliver on its promise as a true benefit to society. His primary research focus is on the management of performance-enhancing drugs, or doping, in sport. In addition, he also examines sport development and how the design and implementation of programs affect the experience of participants and aids developmental health outcomes. His work has been previously supported by the World Anti-Doping Agency.
Additional Campus Affiliations
Assistant Professor, Recreation, Sport and Tourism
Assistant Professor, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Recent Publications
Woolf, J., Ruwuya, J., Juma, B. O., & Janarthanan, R. (Accepted/In press). Reflections on method, racism, and context and anti-doping research: A commentary response. Performance Enhancement and Health, Article 100320.
Janarthanan, R., & Woolf, J. (2024). Anti-doping agencies. In Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Second Edition (pp. 41-43). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Janarthanan, R., Woolf, J., Bloodworth, A., & Petróczi, A. (Accepted/In press). Environment as a vulnerability factor for doping: a qualitative examination of Indian track and field athletes’ hurdles to compete clean. Sport Management Review.
Juma, B. O., & Woolf, J. (2024). Doping. In Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Second Edition (pp. 286-289). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ruwuya, J., & Woolf, J. (2024). Anti-doping policies. In Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Second Edition (pp. 43-45). Edward Elgar Publishing.