Research Interests
Constitutional Law; Intellectual Property
LL.M., J.S.D. Yale Law School
J.D. Harvard Law School
M.A. Stanford University
B.A. Harvard University
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, College of Law
Albert E. Jenner, Jr. Professor, College of Law
Recent Publications
Mazzone, J. (2024). HISTORY, TRADITION, AND FEDERALISM. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 47(3), 659-697.
Mazzone, J. (2024). VOTING EARLY—AND OFTEN? University of Illinois Law Review, 2024(5), 1765-1808.
Mazzone, J., & Tecimer, C. (2023). Interconstitutionalism. Yale Law Journal, 132(2), 326-410.
Biagi, F., Frosini, J. O., & Mazzone, J. (Eds.) (Accepted/In press). Comparative Constitutional History: Volume Two: Uses of History in Constitutional Adjudication. (History of European Political and Constitutional Thought; Vol. 10). Brill.
Mazzone, J., & Jenner, A. E. (2022). FOREWORD. In Intellect. Property Excesses Exploring the Boundaries of IP Protection (pp. v-vii). Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..