Neal R. Benjamin, DVM is a practicing swine veterinarian and PhD Candidate in the Program for Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation (PEEC) here at the University of Illinois. Neal grew up on a family corn/soybean farm in central Illinois. He previously completed his bachelor’s degree in animal science in 2011 and later veterinary school here at the University of Illinois in 2016. Prior to graduating, Neal spent a year studying diversified agriculture production in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and as well as a one-year fellowship studying and working at the University of Leipzig Veterinary School in Leipzig, Germany. He also spent a summer working at a lab at the Nantes-Atlantic National College of Veterinary Medicine in Nantes, France. Neal is a polyglot who enjoys learning foreign languages and connecting with different cultures.
After practicing as a swine veterinarian for five years, Neal decided to return to graduate school to study genetic approaches to improving health outcomes in the livestock. His work primarily involves addressing critical health challenges in the swine industry, with a particular interest in the genetic factors that influence disease resilience and overall health outcomes. Neal hopes to use the expertise gained as a veterinary practitioner and through his PhD student to help bridge the gap between geneticists and practical health management in swine. His work is driven by a passion for improving the lives of animals and the sustainability of the livestock industry.