The series of MAEUS Talk graduate papers are concise analytical papers reflecting on graduate student research, field experience, policy insights, and current events. The EUC’s MAEUS Talk aims to provide graduate students with an opportunity to contribute their research and thoughts to the various conversations within EU Studies via thought-provoking, short essays. This series serves as a bridge between graduate students across different universities/the university, and as an opportunity to publish their work.
Instructions for Authors
Papers for consideration should be sent to eucenter@illinois.edu. To browse papers published in this series, see here.
General Submission Requirements
All papers are published in English. While all submission will go through a review process, the author is responsible for ensuring that grammar and spelling are correct.
All submissions should contain an introduction, contextual background, problem/analysis, and policy recommendations (if applicable).
Style Guide
Papers should be typed, single-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, with wide margins around all sides (see page 3 for template and specific margin guidelines). Please submit in MS Word format.
Submissions should be between 750-1,500 words (including footnotes, references, figures, tables and/or charts).
As little formatting as possible should be used. Margins should be 1 inch on all sides. Two columns should be used.
Bibliographical References
Full bibliographical references references should be mentioned at the end, using Chicago Style, 16 Edition. Footnotes should not be used for bibliographic references and should be kept at a minimal level in order to facilitate the reading and appeal to a broader audience. In-text citation should also use Chicago Style, 16 Edition.
Figures, Tables, and Charts
These should be included in the body of the article, as well as attached as a separate file upon submission. Figures, tables, and charts should be kept at a minimum, due to the brief nature of this paper series.
Indent quotations over 40 words and remove quotation marks. Do not italicize. Longer quotations are not recommended, however, due to word limit.
No more than two levels of heading should be used. Do not use headings next to each other without text in-between.
If your submission is accepted, your paper will be made available for viewing and downloading purposes through the European Union Center and IDEALS. We must receive your signed consent form, which will be sent to you after edits have be finalized, before your paper will be published.
Instructions and Example Download (PDF)