Illinois Global Institute
Mearieta Clemente- Thesis: Preserving Friulian: Education, Policy, and Identity in the Face of Linguistic Decline
Angelina Sandora- Thesis: European Integration, Political Resentment, and Migration into Italy
Lauren Clemens- Thesis: A European Ukraine: Answering the Membership Question
Alicja Szczepkowska
Kiana Marr
Nicholas Zalewski- Thesis: Freedom of movement: Unequal intra-European Union migration due to economic and linguistic barriers
Jordan Evans-Kaplan- Thesis: Canaries in the coal mine: Boosted machine learning for the classification of recessions in the eurozone business cycle
Viktoria Loidl- Thesis: Transatlantic cooperation and the digital economy: The impact of the new strategic agenda “a Europe fit for the digital age”
Vicki Prince- Thesis: The EU straying from the norm: How the European Union has changed its narrative to respond to China’s belt and road initiative
Francesca Robinson- Thesis: What does it mean to belong? An analysis of migrant integration policies in Germany, Spain, and Hungary
Allison Wheeler- Thesis: Transatlantic perspectives on contemporary populism: A narratological approach to the rhetoric of prominent US and European populist leaders
Javier Zenil Peña
Alberto Burgos-Rivera- Thesis: How political decentralization in the outermost regions of the European Union lead to their economic success in the securing of structural funds
Genie Melamed- Thesis: Regional autonomy movements in Europe: National governments and the EU
Katherine Brown- Thesis: Theoretical explanations for the Minsk II: Power, preferences, and interactions examined
Rafael Rodríguez- Thesis: A shift in international higher education preferences: Analyzing Colombian students’ trends of choosing the European Union as their destination
Marshall Janevicius- Thesis: Supranational systems and cross-national online communication in Wallonia and Quebec
Emilee McArdle- Thesis: The brexit negotiations: The next battleground for French-U.K. relations
Raphaela Berding- Thesis: EU cultural policy as a tool to combat crises - a discourse analysis on the use of cultural policy in deadlock
Carlo Di Giulio- Thesis: Privacy and security in the clouds: IT security and privacy standards in the EU and US
Barbara Williams- Thesis: The poetics of adaptation: a critical discourse analysis of intercultural interactions in the novel Montecore
Lindsay Ozburn- Thesis: Inequalities in the Common European Asylum System: The role of Greek libraries as information resources in the midst of asylum system shortcomings
Andrew Schwenk- Thesis: Promoting and monitoring Low German: education policies and ideologies of language in the northern German Bundesländer
Ilias Bolaris- Thesis: The Third Energy Package gas Directive (2009/73/EC): compliance in Lithuania and Romania
Mian (Emma) Duan- Thesis: Assessing a successful global business culture: European expatriates in the U.S. and the impact of their cultural training for international organizations
Rayane Aguiar- Thesis: Greening the common agricultural policy: past experiences and future challenges toward multifunctional agriculture
Caroline Clasby- Thesis: Multicultural France on the small screen: ethnic minority representations on the television show "Engrenages"
Chelsay Endres- Thesis: A more modern Turkey?: the political use of modernity in Turkish domestic politics
Chris Jackson- Thesis: The EU and civilian crisis management: a case study of EULEX KOSOVO and building multi-ethnic rule of law
Levi Armlovich- Thesis: Domestic politics or EU influence: what is driving Turkey's constitutional reforms?
Lance Clemens- Thesis: A pilot study on the impacts of European Union integration on Bulgarian commercial producers buying behavior for capital equipment
Simone Kaiser- Thesis: The European Heritage Label: a critical review of a new EU policy
Michael Nelson
Brent Rosenstein- Thesis: “L’éternel immigré”: identity and radicalism in France since 1962
Michelle Asbill- Thesis: The perceptions of a civil society organization towards anti-trafficking policy development in the European Union: a case study
Natalie Cartwright- Thesis: The effect of UNHCR operations in the development of Turkey's asylum framework
Allyce Husband- Thesis: From civil society to the level of politics: the evolution of narratives about Muslim immigrants in Italy
Whitney Taylor- Thesis: Dueling shares: comparative EU-US corporate governance practices
Bergen Bassett- Thesis: Factors influencing Sweden's changing stance on neutrality
Katie Bueno (née O’Dowd)- Thesis: United in diversity? A discourse analysis on the selective representation of the Islamic past in Spanish and Portuguese tourism
Adam Heinz- Thesis: Three "Eurocities": objectives for cross-border cooperation at the Hispano-Luso border
Alexandra Lively
Lauren Turk- Thesis: Towards an ever closer union: with the Turks next door? Is Turkey the ideal energy partner for the EU?
Erik Vickstrom- Thesis: Implosion in Greece? An analysis of the Greek debt crisis and its impacts on Europe and world markets