The University of Illinois offers many graduate-level courses related to Europe and the EU. The MAEUS program and the Graduate Minor in EU Studies are interdisciplinary, allowing students to choose coursework in consultation with their advisor that will help them build a rich set of academic experiences to prepare them for their future goals. Students inthe EUC graduate community can take courses in political science, history, anthropology, economics, languages and literatures, sociology, information science, business, the arts, law, and many more.
Two interdisciplinary seminars on Europe and the European Union (EURO 501, EURO 502) serve as foundation courses for both the MAEUS program and the Graduate Minor in EU Studies. These two courses examine the history and trajectory of European identity, the foundation and formation of the European Union, major figures and moments in EU history, EU institutions and modes of governance, and EU foreign policy.
Courses are taught by pre-eminent faculty across campus.
Affiliated faculty come from the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences; the College of Applied Health Sciences; the College of Business; the College of Education; the College of Engineering; the College of Fine and Applied Arts; the School of Labor and Employment Relations; the College of Law; the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; the Graduate School of Library and Information Science; the College of Media; the School of Social Work; and the College of Veterinary Medicine.

The University of Illinois offers 20 European languages.These include 12 official EU languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. MAEUS students may also take non-European language courses that might contribute to their research or other goals after graduation.
Please consult the Current Courses page for available courses in the current semester.
Please consult the MAEUS Handbook for example plans of study and list of EU related courses.