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Antoinette Burton

Antoinette Burton is a Professor in the Department of History.

What is the focus of your current work and/or subject of your current research?

I work on the 19th and 20th century British empire through decolonial, feminist and intersectional methods. I'm interested in world histories from below, whether via the human or nonhuman world.

Do you have any recent awards, honors, or publications that you would like to highlight?

with Renisa Mawani, Animalia: An Anti-Imperial Bestiary for Our Times (Duke 2020). Gender History: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, forthcoming 2024).

What is a book (academic or non-academic, in or outside your field) that you think should be more widely read?

Elif Shafak, The Bastard of Istanbul Robert Seethaler, The Tobacconist anything by Sebastian Barry or Anne Enright Francois Verges, The Wombs of Women