Foundation for Endangered Languages, 25th Annual Conference - FEL XXV (2021)
Main Theme: Endangered Languages and Diaspora
Special Theme: The State and Study of Arbëresh as an Endangered Diaspora Language
2021, December 16-19 | Tirana, Albania
Venue: Qendra e Studimeve dhe Publikimeve për Arbëreshët - QSPA (The Center for Research and Publication on Arbëresh); in collaboration with the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Tirana – and the National Diaspora Agency.
Conference language: English, Albanian, Italian – The main language of the conference is English; in a few grouped sessions Albanian and Italian will be used. There will be English translation provided for the keynote talks that are not in English.
Modes of interaction: HYBRID - Face-to-face with online participation for presenters whose travel in December will still be restricted. The whole event will be recorded and made available for the public after the conference.
Register here!

Submit Your Full Paper or Report Here
Contact email: edmond.cane@qspa.gov.al
The Foundation for Endangered Languages and The Center for Research and Publication on Arbëresh (QSPA) in collaboration with the University of Tirana cordially invite international scholars, institutions, and community members working on the revitalization of endangered languages and their documentation and archiving, to contribute to the International Conference on “Endangered Languages and Diaspora”, which will take place in Tirana, Albania, on 16-19 December, 2021. While this is planned as a face-to-face conference, with a possibility of virtual connection for some papers, contingencies are also planned if the pandemic security in December does not allow physical attendance by scholars and activists. We would then reformulate our program as a virtual conference, and we inform you of the change. Selected papers among the accepted abstracts will be published by QSPA before the conference and will be ready for distribution during the event. There will be different categories of articles in the published material. There are ongoing plans for another peer reviewed publication of longer versions of selected papers.
Albania is a Balkan country with an ancient role in Mediterranean history, and a more recent communist past (1944-1991). Its landscapes are among the most beautiful of the Mediterranean, combining, within short distances, breathtaking alpine heights with beautiful rocky and sandy beaches that attract visitors even in the winter. Tirana, the capital of Albania is a youthful city with great energy and a very mixed population originating from all regions of the country. In the past 30 years, from 200, 000, the population of Tirana has grown to that of a metropolis.
Tirana is host to many museums and academic institutions of all kinds. Its cafés, restaurants and entertainment are among the best in the Balkans.