Are you interested in following our events, projects, and initiatives? Do you have ideas or suggestions for one? Are you a student, faculty member, teacher, or member of the community interested in help exploring an issue related to Europe, the European Union, or international and global affairs involving Europe? Below are some different ways you can engage with us.
Check out the EUC Blogs for student and faculty commentary on contemporary and historical developments in the EU, write-ups and videos of past lectures and symposia, and coverage of a broad spectrum of EU issues in the areas of politics, economics, law, security, culture, social policy, minority languages, and more. Students also blog about their experiences with the FLAS program and studying abroad.
Interested in being published on our blogs? Send your ideas to eucenter@illinois.edu.
Don't want to miss announcements of our events and other activities around campus and around town? Sign up for our general listserv.
If you're a student or a K-14 educator, also consider signing up for our email announcements containing curated opportunities for students and educators.

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Get in Touch
Mailing address:
European Union Center
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
205 Coble Hall, MC-429
801 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: (217) 265-7515