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European Union Center Events
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Featured News
- The European Union Center is thrilled to announce a new European Studies Graduate Student Conference award. This award is funded by the Comenius EU Center Student Support Fund, which was established by Carol Leff in 2022. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2025. Read full story European Studies Graduate Student Conference Award
- The European Union Center is excited to announce the results of the 2024-25 Illinois High School Translation Competition. Fifty-seven students from 30 schools in Illinois participated this year. Read full story 2024-25 Illinois High School Translation Competition Results
- The European Union Center welcomes applications for EUC Professional Development Grants to support conference or workshop travel. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty may submit proposals related to conference presentations or workshops that offer training directly relevant to their... Read full story Call for Proposals: UIUC Faculty Professional Development Grants 2024-25
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Suzie Telep
Suzie Telep is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology and a faculty affiliate of the EU Center. What is the focus of your current research? Overall, my research focuses on language, race, and body style in cultural productions such as music, social media, and fashion among Francophone Cameroonians in Paris, France, and Duala, Cameroon. My current book project, provisionally entitled "“Speaking like a White Person”: Language, Race, and the Black Body among Cameroonian Activists in Paris," explores the co-articulation of language and the body in the social construction of...