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Headshot of Bergen

Bergen Bassett

Bergen graduated from the MAEUS program in 2012.  Did you receive any awards or honors during your time in the program? (FLAS, Fulbright, other scholarships, etc…) FLAS Fellowship for Swedish What is your current position/job title? Staff Assistant to the U.S. State Department Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Please provide a brief overview of what you have done academically and/or professionally since graduating from the MAEUS program. Since completing my MAEUS degree, I have worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency, for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the...

EU flag

EURO 418: Language & Minorities in Europe

Survey of regional and immigrant minority language use, policies, and planning across Europe. Focus on political and social issues, such as language regimes, education, loss, and maintenance. Two immigrant languages, Turkish and Arabic/Berber, and four indigenous language families: Balto-Slavic with Estonian, Celtic, Romance with Basque, and Slavic with Hungarian. Taught in English.

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Europe Palace

EURO 500: Dialogue on Europe

This graduate level seminar is a roundtable discussion exploring a variety of topics related to Europe, transatlantic relations, the European Union, and the peripheries. Students will have an opportunity to participate in regular conversations about current issues ranging from cultural policies, migration, economic policies, bureaucratic politics, labor, electoral processes, sports, popular culture, and other topics of high salience to Europe and the European Union.

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EU flags

EURO 502: The EU in a Global Context

This course focuses on European Union history, politics, law, culture, and identity and will introduce students to the role of the EU in international affairs.

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EU flags

EURO 385: Politics of the European Union

Considers the history of the European Union and its current functions and operations. Focuses on the ongoing process of political and cultural integration.

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EU Parliament

EURO 501: EU Institutions and Governance

A graduate-level introduction to the European Union, its history, decision-making processes, legal framework and political and economic effects.

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