- The European Union Center is pleased to share the program for its 14th Illinois EU Studies Conference on April 18-19, 2024. The conference theme is "Paradigms of Racialization: Alternative Sources." This conference is part of a multi-year project that aims to deprovincialize the perspective provided by Critical Race Theory and test its assumptions within the multiracial and multicultural...
- 2024-02-29 - The European Union Center is excited to welcome the Italian contemporary dance company Artemis Danza to Champaign-Urbana for this year’s EU Day of Art on Monday, March 18 at 7 P.M. Artemis Danza’s performance of “Corpi Violati,” inspired by stories of gender violence and aimed at highlighting the issue of violence against women, will be held in Lincoln Hall Theater (702 S Wright St, Urbana, IL...
- 2024-02-09 - The EU Center congratulates members of our community who have been recognized for excellence in teaching and advising by the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences in 2024.
- 2024-01-24 - The European Union Center is excited to announce a screening of the Italian silent film "Tigre Reale" (1916) on Monday, February 26 at 7-8:30 P.M. in Lincoln Hall Theater, 702 S Wright St, Urbana, IL 61801. The film screening will be accompanied live by two of Italy's leading jazz musicians: Stefano Maccagno (piano) and Furio Di Castri (double bass).
- 2023-12-12 - Congratulations to Dr. Amanda Smith (Academic Coordinator, European Union Center), who successfully defended her dissertation, “21st Century Black Beauty Resistance: Collectivism, Individuality and In/visibility in Black French Women's Body and Hair Representations,” on December 1!
- 2023-11-27 - The European Union Center is excited to announce the results of the 2023-24 Illinois High School Translation Competition. Fifty students from 30 schools in Illinois participated in the competition and translated an advanced-level text from Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Swedish, or Ukrainian into English. This year students in all language divisions translated an excerpt from a work of...
- 2023-11-17 - Application Deadline: January 15, 2024 The European Union Center welcomes applications for EUC Professional Development Grants to support conference or workshop travel. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty may submit proposals related to conference presentations or workshops that offer training directly relevant to their teaching and research at the university....
- We are pleased to announce that Amanda Smith has joined the EU Center as its new Academic Coordinator. Amanda is completing a Ph.D. in French Cultural Studies at the University of Illinois and works on Black feminisms and Blackness in popular culture in France and in the Francophone African diaspora.
- The Illinois High School Translation Competition is back for 2023-24! If you're a high school student who knows Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Swedish, or Ukrainian, we encourage you to participate in this competition for the chance to win a prize and a certificate.
- As the EU Center embarks on a year of transition and reinvention, Associate Director Markian Dobczansky would like to take this moment to greet all of you and share some important news.
- Are you interested in learning a new language or practicing your skills in a language? If so, please check out the following Language Conversation Tables on campus! Arabic: The Arabic Program organizes various events such as but not limited to conversations, tutoring sessions and movie night. These sessions aim to provide a great opportunity for language enthusiasts to...
- Congratulations to the students who received Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships for the Academic Year 2023-2024! We wish you all a productive and rewarding year of language study! Graduate Students Mearieta Clemente (Italian) – European Union Studies Samantha Hendrickson (Czech) – Architecture & Urban Planning Deniz...
- The European Union Center (EUC) is searching for an Academic Coordinator. This position will provide specialized intellectual instruction to the students in the Master's program in European Union Studies and coordinate the European Union Center's academic programs, including the M.A. in European Union Studies, the Graduate Minor, the 5-year BALAS/MAEUS track, and related academic activities.
- Congratulations to the students who received Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships for summer 2023! We wish you all a productive and rewarding summer of language study.